Adirondack Unitarian Universalist Community
Statement of Purpose
Our mission is to embrace and act upon the princples of Unitarian Universalism,
especially in the following ways:
- To gather with others in an intergenerational spiritual community that nurtures love, harmony, acceptance, and freedom of belief.
- To encourage spiritual growth by supporting and affirming individual exploration in the search for truth.
- To teach children in a loving, welcoming atmosphere where they will learn to open their hearts and minds to the many ways
of seeing the world, providing them with a foundation for embarking on their own spriritual journey as they grow.
- To acknowledge and respect the principle that all beings are interconnected.
- To actively work toward social justice and improvement of the lives of those within our community as well as in the larger world.
The Principles of the Unitarian Universalist Assocaion
We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist
Association, covenant to affirm and promote:
- The inherent worth and dignity of every person
- Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
- Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations
- A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
- The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large
- The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all
- Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
For additional information on Unitarian Universalism, we encourage you to contact the Unitarian Universalist
Association website at